
Week 4 Results + Week 5

Previously on SNTM: The girls were assigned the task of "Pot Ledom" They were each assigned a America's Next Top Model Contestant. Roxy then got her second first callout, and in the end it was Audrey, Molly Elizabeth, and Tess at the bottom 3, and Audrey and Molly Elizabeth we're eliminated.. Who will stay?  And who will go? All of these questions will be answered and found out............

Hello models. Here we have our final 7. It's getting closer and closer to the end. As we all know, my account has been deleted, which meant that all the photos shot have been erased and deleted from the camera memory. Due to this we do not have your photos from the week of the 22nd. I am truly sorry for this, and there will be no elimination due to this reason. Also, Ashlea is on vacation this week so I have a new judge that will be permanent, and when Ashlea comes back from vacation she'll be back on the judging system. Everybody, please welcome our famous judge, Skyla! ♥ She will be added onto the judging board with Ashlea and I xox There's also going to be no leaderboard since I do not have your scenes.

Our remaining models: (you all have fake last names)
1. Carson Petty
2. Christina Carpenter
3. Gina Morgan
4. Isabelle Staggs
5. Jas Williams
6. Roxy Brooks
7. Tess Tyler

Task 5: Total Drama Characters
For this task, I will be assigning you a character from one of my favorite cartoon series called: Total Drama Island, Total Drama Action, Total Drama World Tour, Total Drama: Revenge of the Island, Total Drama All Stars, and Total Drama Pahkitew Island. I thought it would be fun to bring in a task that nobody has ever thought of, and never will >:D mwahahaha ok anyways.
You each will have a character from one of the seasons i've listed above. And don't worry, they will all be girls. You have to change your looks to look like your assigned character, and also make your outfit look like the girl character. This task must be done in a scenery, with a plain background, and a pose.
Carson - Courtney (Season 1, 2, 3, and 5)
Christina - Dawn (Season 4)
Dreami - Leshawna (Season 1, 2, and 3)
Isabelle - Sadie (Season 1)
Jas - Samey (Season 5)
Roxy - Scarlett (Season 5)
Tess - Jasmine (Season 5)

I know this task is hard, but hello people, we're getting closer to the finale so... I gotta do what I gotta do.

Due: Next Friday, the 25th. Good luck!

~ Peyton xox